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Monday, November 15, 2010

Warok in reog ART

Warok until now still have a place as an elder in the community. Proximity to the spiritual world often make a warok asked his advice on the grip or the tranquility of the spiritual life. A warok supposedly have mastered what is called Reh Kamusankan True, true humanity road.

Warok is a force that relies on the truth in the battle between good and evil in the story reog art. Old is guidance as Warok figures, while Warok Young is still in its early stages warok study. Until now, Warok perceived as a figure who cast must have certain supernatural powers. Even some bad stories about life warok. Warok is the figure with the stereotype: wearing shorts, dressed in black, his supernatural powers and elders gemblakan.Menurut warok, Kasni Gunopati or known Mbah Wo Cats, warok not a arrogant because of its strengths.

Warok is a person who has a holy determination, ready to provide guidance and protection with no strings attached. "It comes from the word Warok wewarah. Warok is wong kang wewarah wealthy. That is, a person becomes warok being able to give guidance or instruction to others about the good life "." Warok iku wong kang wus full saka sakabehing behavior, lan wus menep ing sense "(Warok is a person who has been perfect in his behavior, and until in settling the mind).

Conditions became Warok

Warok must run behavior. "Condition, the body must be clean because it will be filled. Warok should be able to rein in its passions, hunger or thirst, nor come into contact with women. Other requirements, a candidate must provide a warok rooster, 2.5 meters cloth, mats, and salvation together. After that, candidates will warok kanuragan forged by a variety of science and mysticism. Having declared the master of science, he then confirmed as a true warok. He obtained a weapon called the drawstring will, like long white rope, weapons are the warok.

Warok true at the present time only the legend remains. Some groups warok in certain areas there are those who hold fast to their culture and are still viewed as someone who is elder and respected, sometimes even government officials always ask for his blessing.

Reog Ponorogo and Warok

In addition to all the requirements that must be lived by those warok, hereinafter referred to as Gemblakan.Dahulu warok show known for its many gemblak, namely men aged 12-15 years a dozen years berparas handsome and well groomed and maintained as kelangenan, which sometimes is more cherished than his wife and children . Maintaining gemblak is a tradition that has been deeply rooted in the community of artists reog. For a warok it is normal and socially acceptable. It is said that fellow warok never collide gemblak supernatural powers to fight a craving and besides it sometimes happens gemblak borrowing.

Costs incurred for a gemblak warok not cheap. When gemblak school must maintain the warok the purposes of school finance in addition to feed and shelter. Whereas if gemblak not in school then every year to give it a sapi.Dalam warok traditions brought by Ki Ageng Suryongalam, magic can be obtained if a warok not willing to have sex with women. It was said to be a necessity that comes from the teacher's command to obtain supernatural powers.

The obligation to maintain any warok gemblak believed to be able to maintain its miracle. In addition there are strong beliefs among warok, intimate relationship with a woman even with his own wife, can fade the whole magic warok. Mutual love, cherish and try to please is a characteristic of the special relationship between gemblak and waroknya. Practice gemblakan among warok, identified as homosexual practices because warok must not spit lust to women.

Currently, it has been a shift in relation to gemblakan. In the present gemblak difficult to find. Tradition maintains gemblak, there are more faded. Gemblak the first regular role as a dancer Jatilan (kuda lumping), its role is now being replaced by young women. Whereas formerly the arts to be displayed without a woman.

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