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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gamelan Banyuwangi ART

         Music in Banyuwangi. 
Gamelan Banyuwangi especially those used in dance Gandrung its uniqueness with the second violin, one of whom serve as pantus or song leader. Historically, at about the 19th century, Europe witnessed a show Seblang (or Gandrung) accompanied with the flute. Then the person is trying to harmonize with the violin which he brought that time, when he played songs Seblang was with the violin, the people around fascinated with the rhythm of the violin produced wrenching. Since then, the violin began to shift the flute because it can produce high tones that can not be issued by the flute.

In addition, the gamelan is also using "kluncing" (triangle), namely the triangle-shaped musical instrument made of thick iron wire, and sounded with a battering from the same material.

Then there is "kendhang" which amounts can be one or two. Kendhang used in Banyuwangi kendhang almost similar to that used in Sundanese and Balinese gamelan. Its function is to become a commando in the music, and give effect to the musical on all sides.

The next tool is the "kethuk". Made of iron, amounting to two pieces of different sizes and made in accordance with larasannya. "Kethuk estri" (feminine) is large, or in a Javanese gamelan called Slendro. While "kethuk jaler" (masculine) tuned higher one kempyung (kwint). Kethuk functions here not merely as an instrument of 'amplifier or carers rhythm' as well as in Javanese gamelan, but affiliated with kluncing to follow the beat of drum patterns.

While "kempul" or gongs, the gamelan Banyuwangi (especially Gandrung) consists of only one iron gong instrument. Sometimes also interspersed with "saron bali" and "Angklung".

Gamelan addition to this Gandrung, Gamelan Angklung used to show different with ravenous for Gandrung, because there are additional appropriate angklung tuned bamboo high tone. For the patrol, all musical instrument made of bamboo. Even for the show Janger, used Balinese gamelan, and a complete Javanese gamelan Rengganis. Special Medium Hadrah Kunthulan art, used tambourines, drum, kendhang, violin and sometimes bonang (or in Balinese gamelan called Reong).

Modernization was not inevitable in the art of Banyuwangi music, show different variants of the music is a blend of traditional and modern, such as Creative Kunthulan, Gandrung Creative, Creative and Janger kempul kendhang Campursari that incorporate elements of its electrons into the music, and became popular among the arts community. However, some experts worry about the art of creative culture will shift the classic art that has developed during berratus-hundred years.

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