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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Culture Two Kinds of Traditional Dance Origin Pamekasan

ImageTari mask and dance rondhing gethak which are two types of traditional dance from Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, are now beginning to be taught to the students in the local area.

"There are some schools in Pamekasan which already teaches dance and dance masks rondhing gethak," said Head of Section (Kasi) coach Art History and Traditional Values, Department of Youth and Sports Kebudaan (Disporabud) Pamekasan, Halifaturrahman, told AFP in Pamekasan Friday.

He explained that the institution began to teach dance and dance masks gethak rondhing range of six educational institutions, but there are two institutions that began to appear successful ie Laden and SDN SDN Kangenan II Pamekasan.

According Holifaturrahman, two types of this dance began to be taught to students as ektrakurikuler activity, because it is a kind of superior artistry in Pamekasan.

"In addition, both types of dance is already getting a patent from the Minister of Justice and Human Rights as citizens Pamekasan dance creation," he said.

He said in Pamekasan itself is actually many types of traditional arts that began to flourish, such as dance pecot, Samper nyecceng dance, and dance dhanggak.

"Dance pecot that type of dance usually displayed at the opening karapan Samper nyecceng cow and dance is a dance that is usually displayed typical Madura at the carnival, was dhanggak dance is dance that developed among coastal communities," he said.

However, he said, from various types of dance such a great demand and a social culture corresponds to the condition of the district is a mask dance and dance gethak rondhing.

Gethak mask dance is a type of dance that interests Pamekasan kings in ancient times and was created by the citizens of District Proppo which is where the royal Pamekasan stand for the first time.

While describing the spirit of dance rondhing Pamekasan residents struggle, because it rondhing dance is often also called a line dance, because dance was once a reflection of the struggle of residents in the fight for independence Pamekasan from Dutch colonialism.

"Based on the consideration that the Pemkab Pamekasan specify both types of dance as a dance of excellence should be developed and preserved," said Halifaturrahman.

According to coach dance and dance masks rondhing gethak Pamekasan, Lukman Hakim, the students in Pamekasan in general like to study the two types of dance artistry.

Of the few students who dibinanya in Pamekasan, he said, it can display both types of traditional dances perfectly.

"If the spirit of the exercise and there is no problem. Now, live support from the government to preserve both types of dance that is the ancestral heritage of this, "he concluded.
Read phonetically

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