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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

YOGYAKARTA, Cultural and Natural disasters

Special Region of Yogyakarta is a province based on the Sultanate and the Duchy Pakualaman Ngayogyakarta. Also added is also my ex-Kasunanan region Surakarta Sultanate and Praja Mangkunagaran had previously been an enclave in Yogyakarta.
The area was hit by the earthquake on 27 May 2006 and now grief stricken due to the eruption of Mount Merapi

Government of Yogyakarta Special Region origins can be traced from 1945, even before that. A few weeks after the proclamation of 17 August 1945, at the insistence of the people and after seeing the conditions that exist, Hamengkubuwono IX issued a royal decree, known as 5 September 1945 Mandate Wikisource-logo.svg. The contents of the decree is a monarchy integration into the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta. Substantially similar decree was issued by the Paku Alam VIII on the same day. Decree for integration with the Republic of Indonesia such actually was issued by the various monarchs in the archipelago, although not a few of the monarchy is waiting for the enforcement of the Netherlands East Indies after the defeat of Japan.

Most of the economies in Yogyakarta supported by the results of cultivation, trade, crafts (silver handicrafts, handmade leather puppets, and crafts webbing), and tourism. But there are also some residents who live from the expansion of education as a boarding house for students. Is a common sight when you got to the station or at the bus stop Yogyakarta special place of rest, tourist buses, you will be welcomed by many pedicab drivers. They will deliver you to your destination anywhere decent for you to enjoy such as clothing stores, bakpia stores, malls, or simply buy a souvenir. You would be surprised after the pedicab driver to take you around town all day, they will only charge a low. Why so? Apparently they've got part of the drive you into the stores earlier.
[Edit] Transportation
The railway station in Yogyakarta.


Yogyakarta is still very thick with Javanese culture. Art and culture are an integral part in the life of the people of Yogyakarta. From childhood to adulthood, the people of Yogyakarta will very often witnessed and even participated in various arts and cultural events in the city. For the people of Yogyakarta, where every stage of life has its own meaning, tradition is an important and still performed today. Tradition also must not be separated from art that was presented in ceremonies that tradition. Art owned by the people of Yogyakarta are extremely diverse. And art-art that is diverse beautifully strung in a traditional ceremony. So for the people of Yogyakarta, art and culture really become an integral part of their lives. Typical Arts in Yogyakarta include kethoprak, jathilan, and puppet kulit.yogyakarta also known as silver and unique style of making batik dyed fabric. he was also known for his contemporary art of living. Provide the name of the child is still an important thing children nams Java. Yogyakarta is also known with gamelan music, including the unique style Gamelan Yogyakarta

Object of interest tourism in Yogyakarta: Malioboro, Gembiraloka Zoo, Taman Sari Water Palace, Jogja Kembali Monument, Sultan Palace Museum, the Museum Sonobudoyo, slopes of Merapi, Kaliurang, Parangtritis, Beach Baron, Samas Beach, Goa Selarong, Prambanan Temple, Temple Kalasan, and Kraton Ratu Boko. About 40 km from northwest of Yogyakarta Borobudur temple there, which established in 1991 as a UNESCO World Heritage. Yogyakarta is famous for good food, cheap, nutritious and make people miss who never stopped or domiciled in this city. There is a famous place with a menu of typical students, there are noodles in the Corner Beteng godhog, rabbit satay in Kaliurang plus Mbah misbegotten pieces, satay coral Kotagedhe, sego brother Njirak Gunung Kidul and many other culinary tour.

natural disasters

but the concentration of the city is very chaotic post-natural disaster that continues to occur either the insistent bumu earthquake, storm kept ceaseless eruption of Mount Merapi as merging the city of Yogyakarta, is now a new problem emerged on the political turmoil tenteng establishing the DIY.

1 comment:

  1. really all about the productivity of this city which I believe will certainly decline to see a variety of natural disasters in this city, especially at this time there is political war between the diy with government authorities about the status of DIY .. ohh yogya ends when your pain
